HVEC lab

Open source by HVEC-lab


  • We work hard to digitally support our work. Part of our tools is available as open source on Github. More information on: https://github.com/hvec-lab

Independent research by HVEC-lab

We execute independent research on topics relevant to hydraulic engineering and flood protection. Currently our research themes are:

  • Flow in structures. In structures, the cross section rapidly changes over short distances. Further, interaction of flow with gates is an important concern. Most flow models do not capture the characteristics of flow in structures or do so at the cost of a heavy computational burden. We develop tools that capture the essence of these phenoma while avoiding time-consuming computation
  • Adaptive design and sea level rise. The sea level rises. In the design of coastal structures we need to account for that rise in a feasible manner. Therefore, we need robuust and credible projections of future sea levels and tides. We conduct research into regional projections of sea level rise with a prominent role for observations. Further, we develop adaptive concepts for coastal structures
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